
In this guide, you will learn how to create and run a simple program using ZisK.

Create a Project

The first step is to generate a new example project using the cargo-zisk sdk new <name> command. This command creates a new directory named <name> in your current directory. For example:

cargo-zisk sdk new sha_hasher
cd sha_hasher

This will create a project with the following structure:

├── build.rs
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── .gitignore
└── src
    └── main.rs

The example program takes a number n as input and computes the SHA-256 hash n times.

The build.rs file generates an input.bin file containing the value of n (e.g., 20). This file is used in main.rs as input to calculate the hash.

You can run the program on your native architecture with the following command:

cargo run

The output will be:

public 0: 0x98211882
public 1: 0xbd13089b
public 2: 0x6ccf1fca
public 3: 0x81f7f0e4
public 4: 0xabf6352a
public 5: 0x0c39c9b1
public 6: 0x1f142cac
public 7: 0x233f1280


The next step is to build the program using the cargo-zisk command to generate an ELF file (RISC-V), which will be used later to generate the proof. Execute:

cargo-zisk build --release

This command builds the program using the riscv64ima_polygon_ziskos target. The resulting sha_hasher ELF file (without extension) is generated in the ./target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release directory.


Before generating a proof, you can test the program using the ZisK emulator to ensure its correctness. Specify the ELF file (using the -e or --elf flag) and the input file input.bin (using the -i or --inputs flag):

ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin

The output will be:


Alternatively, you can build and run the program with:

cargo-zisk run --release

This command uses the file located at build/input.bin as the input file.


You can generate and verify a proof using the cargo-zisk prove command by providing the ELF file (with the -e or --elf flag) and the input file (with the -i or --input-data flag).

To generate and verify a proof for the previously built ELF and input files, execute:

cargo-zisk prove -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/libzisk_witness.so -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey -o proof -a -y

This command generates the proof in the ./proof directory. If everything goes well, you will see a message similar to:

[INFO ] ProofMan:     ✓ Vadcop Final proof was verified
[INFO ]      stop <<< GENERATING_VADCOP_PROOF 91706ms
[INFO ] ProofMan: Proofs generated successfully

Distributed prove

Zisk can run proves using multiple processes in the same server or in multiple servers. To use zisk in distributed mode you need to have installed a mpi library. To use the distributed mode the compilation command is:

cargo-zisk build --release --features "distributed"

Then the execution command will be:

mpirun --bind-to none -np <number_processes> -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=<number_of_threads_per_process> target/release/cargo-zisk prove -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/libzisk_witness.so -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey -o proof -a -y