
ZisK is a high-performance zkVM (Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine) designed to generate zero-knowledge proofs of arbitrary program execution. It enables developers to prove the correctness of a computation without revealing its internal state, making ZisK a powerful tool for privacy-preserving and verifiable computation.

Proving systems traditionally involve complex cryptographic operations that require deep expertise and significant computational resources. ZisK abstracts these complexities by providing an optimized toolstack that minimizes computational overhead, making ZK technology accessible to a broader range of developers. With Rust-based execution and planned multi-language support, ZisK is designed to be developer-friendly while maintaining high performance and robust security.

Why ZisK?

  • High-performance architecture optimized for low-latency proof generation.
  • Rust-based zkVM, with future support for additional languages.
  • No recompilation required across different programs.
  • Standardized prover interface (JSON-RPC, GRPC, CLI).
  • Flexible integration: usable as a standalone service or as a library.
  • Decentralized architecture for trustless proof generation.
  • Optimized proof generation costs for real-world applications.
  • Fully open-source and backed by Polygon zkEVM and Plonky3 technology.

Installation Guide

ZisK can be installed from prebuilt binaries (recommended) or by building ZisK tools, toolchain and setup files from source.

System Requirements

ZisK currently supports Linux x86_64 systems. Proof generation on macOS is not supported.

Required Tools (Linux & macOS)

Ensure the following tools are installed:

Installing Dependencies


Ubuntu 22.04 or higher is required.

Install all required dependencies with:

sudo apt-get install -y xz-utils jq curl build-essential qemu-system libomp-dev libgmp-dev nlohmann-json3-dev protobuf-compiler uuid-dev libgrpc++-dev libsecp256k1-dev libsodium-dev libpqxx-dev nasm


  1. Install Homebrew:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install protobuf (required for cargo build):

    brew install protobuf
  3. Install libusb & jq (required for ziskup):

    brew install libusb jq
  4. Install Node.js:

    curl -o- | bash
    source $HOME/.bashrc
    nvm install 19
    nvm use 19
  5. Install Circom:

Alternative: Using Nix Flake

You can use Nix to install all dependencies.

  1. Follow the instructions to install Nix on your system.

  2. Use the flake.nix file from the ZisK repository to set up the development environment:

    nix main
  3. To start a shell with ZisK’s environment:

    nix main -c zsh

    This will open a shell with the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly configured for building the project. Exit the shell with Ctrl+D.

Installing ZisK

  1. Install the ZisK installer ziskup:

    curl  | bash

    This will enable the ziskup command in your terminal.

    Restart your terminal session or run:

    source $HOME/.bashrc
  2. Install the ZisK toolchain and CLI tools:

  3. Verify the Rust toolchain: (which includes support for the riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos compilation target):

    rustup toolchain list

    The output should include an entry for zisk, similar to this:

    stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
  4. Verify the cargo-zisk CLI tool:

    cargo-zisk --version
  5. Download and install setup files:

    Option 1: Download the proving key files:

    curl -O
    curl -O

    Verify the MD5 checksum:

    md5sum -c zisk-provingkey-0.4.0.tar.gz.md5

    Extract the file to the $HOME/.zisk directory:

    tar --overwrite -xvf zisk-provingkey-0.4.0.tar.gz -C $HOME/.zisk

    Option 2: Alternatively, if you only need to verify proofs, download and install the verify key files:

    curl -O
    curl -O

    Then, follow the same verification and installation steps as for the proving key files.

To update ZisK to the latest version, simply run again the previous steps.

Option 2: Building from Source

Build ZisK

  1. Ensure all dependencies required to build the Rust toolchain from source are installed.

  2. Clone the ZisK repository:

    git clone
    cd zisk
  3. Build ZisK tools:

    cargo build --release
  4. Copy the tools to ~/.zisk/bin directory:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.zisk/bin
    cp target/release/cargo-zisk target/release/ziskemu target/release/riscv2zisk target/release/ $HOME/.zisk/bin
  5. Add ~/.zisk/bin to your profile file, for example for .bashrc executing the following commands:

    echo >>$HOME/.bashrc && echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$HOME/.zisk/bin\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
  6. Build the Rust ZisK toolchain:

    cargo-zisk sdk build-toolchain
  7. Install the Rust ZisK toolchain:

    ZISK_TOOLCHAIN_SOURCE_DIR=. cargo-zisk sdk install-toolchain
  8. Verify the installation:

    rustup toolchain list

    Ensure zisk appears in the list of installed toolchains.

Build Setup

The setup building process is highly intensive in terms of CPU and memory usage. You will need a machine with at least the following hardware requirements:

  • 32 CPUs
  • 512 GB of RAM
  • 100 GB of free disk space

Please note that the process can be long, taking approximately 2–3 hours depending on the machine used.

NodeJS version 20.x or higher is required to build the setup files.

  1. Clone the following repositories in the parent folder of the zisk folder created in the previous section:

    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
  2. Install packages:

    (cd pil2-compiler && npm i)
    (cd pil2-proofman-js && npm i)
  3. Note: All subsequent commands must be executed from the zisk folder created in the previous section.

  4. Compile ZisK PIL: (Note that this command may take 20-30 minutes to complete)

    node --max-old-space-size=131072 ../pil2-compiler/src/pil.js pil/zisk.pil -I pil,../pil2-proofman/pil2-components/lib/std/pil,state-machines,precompiles -o pil/zisk.pilout

    This command will create the pil/zisk.pilout file

  5. Generate fixed data:

    cargo run --release --bin keccakf_fixed_gen
    mkdir build
    mv precompiles/keccakf/src/keccakf_fixed.bin build

    These commands generates the keccakf_fixed.bin file in the build directory.

  6. Generate setup data: (Note that this command may take 2–3 hours to complete):

    node --max-old-space-size=65536 ../pil2-proofman-js/src/main_setup.js -a ./pil/zisk.pilout -b build -i ./build/keccakf_fixed.bin -r

    This command generates the provingKey directory.

  7. Copy (or move) the provingKey directory to $HOME/.zisk directory:

    cp -R build/provingKey $HOME/.zisk

Uninstall Zisk

To uninstall ZisK, run:

rm -rf $HOME/.zisk


In this guide, you will learn how to create and run a simple program using ZisK.

Create a Project

The first step is to generate a new example project using the cargo-zisk sdk new <name> command. This command creates a new directory named <name> in your current directory. For example:

cargo-zisk sdk new sha_hasher
cd sha_hasher

This will create a project with the following structure:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── .gitignore
└── src

The example program takes a number n as input and computes the SHA-256 hash n times.

The file generates an input.bin file containing the value of n (e.g., 20). This file is used in as input to calculate the hash.

You can run the program on your native architecture with the following command:

cargo run

The output will be:

public 0: 0x98211882
public 1: 0xbd13089b
public 2: 0x6ccf1fca
public 3: 0x81f7f0e4
public 4: 0xabf6352a
public 5: 0x0c39c9b1
public 6: 0x1f142cac
public 7: 0x233f1280


The next step is to build the program using the cargo-zisk command to generate an ELF file (RISC-V), which will be used later to generate the proof. Execute:

cargo-zisk build --release

This command builds the program using the riscv64ima_polygon_ziskos target. The resulting sha_hasher ELF file (without extension) is generated in the ./target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release directory.


Before generating a proof, you can test the program using the ZisK emulator to ensure its correctness. Specify the ELF file (using the -e or --elf flag) and the input file input.bin (using the -i or --inputs flag):

ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin

The output will be:


Alternatively, you can build and run the program with:

cargo-zisk run --release

This command uses the file located at build/input.bin as the input file.


You can generate and verify a proof using the cargo-zisk prove command by providing the ELF file (with the -e or --elf flag) and the input file (with the -i or --input-data flag).

To generate and verify a proof for the previously built ELF and input files, execute:

cargo-zisk prove -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/ -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey -o proof -a -y

This command generates the proof in the ./proof directory. If everything goes well, you will see a message similar to:

[INFO ] ProofMan:     ✓ Vadcop Final proof was verified
[INFO ]      stop <<< GENERATING_VADCOP_PROOF 91706ms
[INFO ] ProofMan: Proofs generated successfully

Distributed prove

Zisk can run proves using multiple processes in the same server or in multiple servers. To use zisk in distributed mode you need to have installed a mpi library. To use the distributed mode the compilation command is:

cargo-zisk build --release --features "distributed"

Then the execution command will be:

mpirun --bind-to none -np <number_processes> -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=<number_of_threads_per_process> target/release/cargo-zisk prove -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/ -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey -o proof -a -y

Writing Programs

This document explains how to write or modify a Rust program for execution in ZisK.


Code changes

Writing a Rust program for ZisK is similar to writing a standard Rust program, with a few minor modifications. Follow these steps:

  1. Modify file:

    Add the following code to mark the main function as the entry point for ZisK:

    fn main() {
  2. Modify Cargo.toml file:

    Add the ziskos crate as a dependency:

    ziskos = { git = "" }

Let's show these changes using the example program from the Quickstart section.

Example program

// This example program takes a number `n` as input and computes the SHA-256 hash `n` times sequentially.

// Mark the main function as the entry point for ZisK

use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use ziskos::{read_input, set_output};
use byteorder::ByteOrder;

fn main() {
    // Read the input data as a byte array from ziskos
    let input: Vec<u8> = read_input();

    // Get the 'n' value converting the input byte array into a u64 value
    let n: u64 = u64::from_le_bytes(input.try_into().unwrap());

    let mut hash = [0u8; 32];

    // Compute SHA-256 hashing 'n' times
    for _ in 0..n {
        let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
        let digest = &hasher.finalize();
        hash = Into::<[u8; 32]>::into(*digest);

    // Split 'hash' value into chunks of 32 bits and write them to ziskos output
    for i in 0..8 {
        let val = byteorder::BigEndian::read_u32(&mut hash[i * 4..i * 4 + 4]);
        set_output(i, val);


name = "sha_hasher"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
default-run = "sha_hasher"

byteorder = "1.5.0"
sha2 = "0.10.8"
ziskos = { git = "" }

Input/Output Data

To provide input data for ZisK, you need to write that data in a binary file (e.g., input.bin).

If your program requires complex input data, consider using a serialization mechanism (like bincode crate) to store it in input.bin file.

In your program, use the ziskos::read_input() function to retrieve the input data from the input.bin file:

fn main() {
// Read the input data as a byte array from ziskos
let input: Vec<u8> = read_input();

To write public output data, use the ziskos::set_output() function. Since the function accepts u32 values, split the output data into 32-bit chunks if necessary and increase the id parameter of the function in each call:

fn main() {
// Split 'hash' value into chunks of 32 bits and write them to ziskos output
for i in 0..8 {
    let val = byteorder::BigEndian::read_u32(&mut hash[i * 4..i * 4 + 4]);
    set_output(i, val);


Before compiling your program for ZisK, you can test it on the native architecture just like any regular Rust program using the cargo command.

Once your program is ready to run on ZisK, compile it into an ELF file (RISC-V architecture), using the cargo-zisk CLI tool:

cargo-zisk build

This command compiles the program using the riscv64ima_polygon_ziskos target. The resulting sha_hasher ELF file (without extension) is generated in the ./target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/debug directory.

For production, compile the ELF file with the --release flag, similar to how you compile Rust projects:

cargo-zisk build --release

In this case, the sha_hasher ELF file will be generated in the ./target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release directory.


You can test your compiled program using the ZisK emulator (ziskemu) before generating a proof. Use the -e (--elf) flag to specify the location of the ELF file and the -i (--inputs) flag to specify the location of the input file:

cargo-zisk build --release
ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin

Alternatively, you can build and execute the program in the ZisK emulator with a single command:

cargo-zisk run --release

This command builds the ELF file and executes it using ziskemu along with the input.bin file that must be located in the .build directory at the root of your Rust project:

├── build
|   └── input.bin
├── src
|   └──
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml

Alternatively, you can specify the location of the input file using -i (--input) flag:

cargo-zisk run -i build/input.bin

If the program requires a large number of ZisK steps, you might encounter the following error:

Error during emulation: EmulationNoCompleted
Error: Error executing Run command

To resolve this, you can increase the number of execution steps using the -n (--max-steps) flag. For example:

ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -n 10000000000

Metrics and Statistics

Performance Metrics

You can get performance metrics related to the program execution in ZisK using the -m (--log-metrics) flag in the cargo-zisk run command or in ziskemu tool:

cargo-zisk run --release -m


ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -m

The output will include details such as execution time, throughput, and clock cycles per step:

process_rom() steps=85309 duration=0.0009 tp=89.8565 Msteps/s freq=3051.0000 33.9542 clocks/step

Execution Statistics

You can get statistics related to the program execution in Zisk using the -x (--stats) flag in the cargo-zisk run command or in ziskemu tool:

cargo-zisk run --release -x


ziskemu -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -x

The output will include details such as cost definitions, total cost, register reads/writes, opcode statistics, etc:

Cost definitions:
    AREA_PER_SEC: 1000000 steps
    COST_MEMA_R1: 0.00002 sec
    COST_MEMA_R2: 0.00004 sec
    COST_MEMA_W1: 0.00004 sec
    COST_MEMA_W2: 0.00008 sec
    COST_USUAL: 0.000008 sec
    COST_STEP: 0.00005 sec

Total Cost: 12.81 sec
    Main Cost: 4.27 sec 85308 steps
    Mem Cost: 2.22 sec 222052 steps
    Mem Align: 0.05 sec 2701 steps
    Opcodes: 6.24 sec 1270 steps (81182 ops)
    Usual: 0.03 sec 4127 steps
    Memory: 135563 a reads + 1625 na1 reads + 10 na2 reads + 84328 a writes + 524 na1 writes + 2 na2 writes = 137198 reads + 84854 writes = 222052 r/w
    Registy: reads=130928=95% writes=81236=95% total=212164=95% r/w
        Reg 0 reads=0=0% writes=0=0% r/w=0=0%
        Reg 1 reads=2772=2% writes=1253=3% r/w=4025=1%
        Reg 2 reads=8275=6% writes=134=10% r/w=8409=3%
        Reg 3 reads=1=0% writes=2=0% r/w=3=0%
        Reg 29 reads=2520=1% writes=1180=3% r/w=3700=1%
        Reg 30 reads=2680=2% writes=1540=3% r/w=4220=1%
        Reg 31 reads=2180=1% writes=980=2% r/w=3160=1%

    flag: 0.00 sec (0 steps/op) (89 ops)
    copyb: 0.00 sec (0 steps/op) (10568 ops)
    add: 1.12 sec (77 steps/op) (14569 ops)
    ltu: 0.01 sec (77 steps/op) (101 ops)
    xor: 1.06 sec (77 steps/op) (13774 ops)
    signextend_b: 0.03 sec (109 steps/op) (320 ops)
    signextend_w: 0.03 sec (109 steps/op) (320 ops)



Verify Constraints

Before to generate a proof (that can take some time) you can verify that all the constraints are satisfied:

cargo-zisk verify-constraints -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/ -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey

If everything is correct, you will see an output similar to:

[INFO ] GlCstVfy: --> Checking global constraints
[INFO ] CstrVrfy: ··· ✓ All global constraints were successfully verified
[INFO ] CstrVrfy: ··· ✓ All constraints were verified

Generate Proof

To generate a proof, run following command:

cargo-zisk prove -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/sha_hasher -i build/input.bin -w $HOME/.zisk/bin/ -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey -o proof -a -y

In this command:

  • -e (--elf) flag is used to specify the ELF file localtion.
  • -i (--inputs) flag is used specify the input file location.
  • -w (--witness) and -k (--proving-key) flags are used to specify the location of the witness library and proving key files required for proof generation (located in the $HOME/.zisk installation folder by default).
  • -o (--output) flag determines the output directory (in this example proof).
  • -a (--aggregation) flag indicates that a final aggregated proof (containing all generated sub-proofs) should be produced.
  • -y (--verify-proofs) flag instructs the tool to verify the proof immediately after it is generated (verification can also be performed later using the cargo-zisk verify command).

If the process is successful, you should see a message similar to:

[INFO ] ProofMan:     ✓ Vadcop Final proof was verified
[INFO ]      stop <<< GENERATING_VADCOP_PROOF 91706ms
[INFO ] ProofMan: Proofs generated successfully

Verify Proof

To verify a generated proof, use the following command:

cargo-zisk verify -p ./proof/proofs/vadcop_final_proof.json -u ./proof/publics.json -s $HOME/.zisk/provingKey/zisk/vadcop_final/vadcop_final.starkinfo.json -e $HOME/.zisk/provingKey/zisk/vadcop_final/vadcop_final.verifier.bin -k $HOME/.zisk/provingKey/zisk/vadcop_final/vadcop_final.verkey.json

In this command:

  • -p (--proof) flag specifies the final proof file generated with cargo-zisk prove.
  • -u (--public_inputs) flag provides the path to the public inputs associated with the proof.
  • The remaining flags specify the files required for verification, located in the $HOME/.zisk directory by default.


Precompiles are built-in system functions within ZisK’s operating system that accelerate computationally expensive and frequently used operations such as the Keccak-f permutation and Secp256k1 addition and doubling.

These precompiles improve proving efficiency by offloading intensive computations from ZisK programs to dedicated, pre-integrated sub-processors. ZisK manages precompiles as system calls using the RISC-V ecall instruction.

How Precompiles Work

Precompiles are primarily used to patch third-party crates, replacing costly operations with system calls. This ensures that commonly used cryptographic primitives like Keccak hashing and elliptic curve operations can be efficiently executed within ZisK programs.

Typically, precompiles are used to patch third-party crates that implement these operations and are then used as dependencies in the Zisk programs we write.

You can see here an example of the patched tiny-keccak crate.

Supported Precompiles

⚠️ Currently, ZisK only supports the keccak precompile, but work is underway to introduce additional cryptographic primitives, including:

  • Secp256k1 group operations.
  • BN254 group operations.
  • SHA2-256.

Available Precompiles in ZisK

fn main() {
extern "C" {
    pub fn syscall_keccak_f(state: *mut [u64; 25]);
  • syscall_keccak_f: Executes a Keccak permutation function on a 25-element state array.


Riscof tests

The following test generates the riscof test files, converts the corresponding .elf files into ZisK ROMs, and executes them providing the output in stdout for comparison against a reference RISCV implementation. This process is not trivial and has been semi-automatized.

First, compile the ZisK Emulator:

$ cargo clean
$ cargo build --release

Second, download and run a docker image from the riscof repository to generate and run the riscof tests:

$ docker run --rm -v ./target/release/ziskemu:/program -v ./riscof/:/workspace/output/ -ti  hermeznetwork/ziskof:latest

The test can take a few minutes to complete. Any error would be displayed in red.